Unlimited thinking and teaching


Teaching freedom in Danish and other European universities: open webinar

Teaching freedom in Danish and other European universities – webinar facilitated by the Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education Special Interest Groups: Teaching and Learning in the International Classroom (TLIC) and Bias Aware Teaching and Learning (BATL).

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Women in Green Tech - SheLeadsTech Event

Join the next SheLeadsTech event, hosted by ISACA and @ Danfoss in Kolding on 16th March, 2023 from 16.30 to 20.00. 

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What has unconscious bias got to do with my teaching?

This website is designed to support university teachers however the resources are more widely applicable for those involved with teaching, training, recruitment, leadership and management.

Bias awareness and strategies for addressing bias are integral to fair and transparent teaching, learning and assessment in all academic and professional contexts, including SDU’s commitment to the SDGs.  The effective pursuit of SDGs which focus on Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Reduce Inequalities (SDG 10) and Effective Partnership (SDG 17) are especially dependent on bias awareness and strategies for addressing bias.

Unlimited Thinking and Teaching has two main purposesFirstly, through the Think Pieces to raise awareness of unconscious bias, how it threatens receptiveness to novelty and how our biases can so easily affect those with whom we interact and teach. Secondly, through the Practical Tools to provide resources which raise our awareness and mitigate the impact of our unconscious biases. The Evidence -Research page includes relevant international and national studies and compilations of thought provoking research on the impact of unconscious bias on for example: teaching and learning, student evaluations and evaluations of implicit bias tests. These compilations are designed both as introductions to relevant research and as teaching resources to provoke critically reflective dialogue.

We hope you find this resource useful and we welcome your feedback.

Donna Hurford and Emma Hammarlund.

*Royal Society Animation on Understanding Unconscious Biases

Description: Jumping to conclusions is something we – and even Ivy league students – do all the time. Daniel Kahneman’s (2011) book ‘Thinking fast and Slow’ provides an array of examples of how our System 1 fast thinking supersedes our System 2’s slow thinking. This tendency challenges both our ability to be rational in the moment and our assessments of other’s abilities and intentions. 

Application: You can use the Royal Society Animation on Understanding Unconscious Biases to brief yourself and others on how ‘jumping to conclusions’ is a general and rooted capacity of ours; not necessarily with harmful intentions but nevertheless this presents a challenge for unlimited thoughts and teaching.